pray for boston

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  • What a complete TRAGEDY!! I just don't understand what this world is coming to!! I'm so horrified and saddened! I have been praying for all the victims as well as their families/loved ones. Here are people trying to do a GOOD thing by running for charity and this happens!? I'm just speechless. God Bless everyone effected by this unnecessary and traumatic bombing. It's hard to feel safe ANYWHERE these days!! It's heartbreaking to know what kind of a world MY kids are growing up in and that there doesn't seem to be a damn thing that we can do about it! Such a tragedy!
    16/04/2013 à 15:34
  • It is a sad day. My heart and prayers go out to all involved and to our country. KatrinaJ, I couldn't put my feelings into better words than you just did.
    Thank you.
    16/04/2013 à 16:18
  • Yes, what people do such a pathetic and horrible deed. :-(
    16/04/2013 à 17:10
  • However, it's times like this when the rest of the world can see what being an American REALLY means!

    Instead of running and hiding, we stayed and helped.
    Instead of turning our backs to our fellow men and women, we CARRIED them and even RIPPED OFF our own clothes to stop bleeding and make tourniquets.
    The participants in the marathon (after running MILES) went immediately to the Red Cross stations to donate their time, their help and their blood.
    Instead of falling apart, we CAME TOGETHER as a community.

    Yesterday we were all one color, one race, one FAMILY.
    ALL of our hearts broke for those who were injured or killed as well as their families and loved ones.

    Many other countries may see us as greedy, fat, spoiled, etc...but we have HEART! When it MATTERS we GIVE instead of take, we LOVE instead of hate, we HELP instead of hinder, and we REFUSE to be terrorized!

    We MAY BE greedy, spoiled, apathetic (much of the time)....but when others NEED our help, our support, our time, our money and our ARMY...we GIVE (even when it's not "our people" we are coming to the aid of!)!! We are a country that has been raised to know the TRUE meaning of the word VOLUNTEER. We know that when it truly matters we are ALL in this together! We are caring, loving, nurturing and protective. THAT is what it means to be an AMERICAN!

    I am PROUD to be part of a country with such unbelievable SELFLESSNESS and LOVE when it's needed and truly matters!
    16/04/2013 à 21:11
  • I am so sorry u KatrinaJ.
    24/08/2013 à 10:42