once upon a time (23)


The storyteller looked into the eyes of her young listeners and saw both contentment and questions in them.
"But is she ever going to find her real parents?"
"I don't know about that, Jack. The tale ends here."
"But you have to know what happened in the end because you told it like it was your own story. I saw it in your eyes, grandma. I think you are Jewel," said young Jenny, who was her most brilliant and perceptive grandchild.
"Oh my dear," said grandma smiling. "How could it ever be my own story? It's a fairy tale. There is a lot of impossible stuff in it, like magic or ogres."
"Wow, was grandpa an ogre?" asked the youngest Clara, full of surprise.
All laughed at this. Then Jenny said:
"My literature teacher told us about metaphors last week. All those impossible stuff could be metaphors for something possible, something real."
"Well, so I'll just tell you this, which you should never forget, my children:
In every good story, there is a part of reality."

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