my left foot (not the actual foot!) stupid toe hit one of the MANY boxes that are all over my house b/c we are moving next month....and although my foot kept going, my TOE stayed exactly where it was!! So it's now facing AWAY from the others in a very obviously painful way. Most of my toes point towards the inside of my foot (like they should!)...the broken one is pointing away from the inside of my foot at about a 65 degree angle! I got an xray and they said that I broke the toe in two areas and the force of the break actually fractured the outside bone of my foot too! Now, I have to stay OFF of it for 1-3 weeks and if I dont...or if I re-injure it then the doc will have to have it "re-set" it (OUCH!) and put it in a CAST for 5-8 weeks! I do NOT have time for this!! We are moving in a MONTH and I have WAY too much to do to just sit around on my butt! Ugh!!!! I'm so mad right now!

Unfortunately the angle in which this puzzle is made is ACTUALLY what my toe/foot looks like... NOT an "exaggeration!"

What a senseless act of violence I subjected my foot to this morning!!! LOL.

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  • Owwweee! But it made for a great puzzle! For all your pain I had to give it a "10".
    12/06/2013 à 13:10
  • Oh dear! These things always happen when we don't have time for them. Rest it, and use your time to write lists for everyone else to do and for yourself to do when it gets somewhat better. It's amazing how a little organisation will work wonders in the long run. As a mother of five, I know what it's like, but children can do sooo much if we give them the opportunity and the responsibility. Good for their confidence too! The puzzle is great, by the way!
    12/06/2013 à 13:35
  • Yikes! I hope you heal up soon! And don't worry things will get done one way or another. It's hard for us moms to ask for help sometimes, but this might be one of those times when you just have to. Order some subs, brew some sun tea, and have your friends over for a packing party! I wish we could help.
    12/06/2013 à 13:38
  • Cha Cha: Yea it hurt a LOT! I knew it hurt but when I looked down and saw my toe just sticking out to the side my brain automatically made the pain 10 times worse!!

    Then I went to Walmart for CROCS to protect all my other toes and stuff to "buddy tape" it...a VERY stupid thing for me to do but I had shopping that HAD to be done, broke toe or not! I lost my balance, heard and felt a huge CRACK, which caused INTENSE PAIN making me fall to the ground in the middle of the store with a scream (which caused an embarrassing "scene!")
    The doc said that it not only injured the bone(s) further, but it probably also popped the toe back into the socket...which he says is a VERY painful thing. I guess I should be glad that the DOC hasn't had to "re-set" it yet!!

    Kat9774: Thanks for the 10!! I deserve it for the pain I am in!! Ha ha LOL

    Minimint: I already have lists made for everyone!! I have so much going thru my head in order to get ready for the move that I can't sleep without making lists!! I am sure I could make MORE though! LOL

    Swford: I wish you all could help too! I have made some good "cyber" friends on here and it would be great to meet you all in PERSON!! You are right too! It VERY hard for me to delegate! I know exactly how I want to pack things and it's hard to have OTHERS do it for me! Especially if I can't get up and HELP! ~:)

    To make matters WORSE...I had broken the pinky toe on my RIGHT foot LAST week...TWICE!! However, the one on my right foot broke "head on" and it only put a small crack in the bone (thank goodness!) Right after it had started healing from the first break, I hit it a second time! So BOTH pinky toes hurt....but the one on my right foot is like walking on rose petals compared to the pain in my left foot! least, by being "bed-ridden" for the next 1-3 weeks, I will have more time for Hanjie's!!! LOL ha ha!
    12/06/2013 à 15:41
  • Hope you'll get well soon... OUCH! that hurts!
    15/06/2013 à 07:48
  • I am behind on my hanjies so I have only just got to this one. I know it will be difficult to do, but try to stay off your feet. Your family sound really great,and I am sure they will help you if you let them. Get well soon LOL :)
    16/06/2013 à 21:24
  • Thanks so much everyone!! I sincerely appreciate all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

    @Margpheb: Yes, I am VERY BLESSED to have an incredible family!! They have been waiting on me hand and foot which has been nice but I HATE having to be taken care of. As "Mommy" I am the one who is supposed to be the care giver! I am also getting VERY stir crazy!! LOL.
    17/06/2013 à 16:40
  • This was definitely one of the hardest puzzles that I've done. But it was worth it. I hope your foot is feeling better and that you recover soon!

    Nice puzzle by the way Katrina!
    30/06/2013 à 07:35
  • I didn't even realize it was so difficult! I am glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad it was challenging b/c those are the puzzles I (personally) like the MOST!

    Update on my left foot:
    My toe is still purple and hurts a TON but at least I am able to walk on it somewhat) now! My foot is completely swollen up from mid foot to the toes and it's quite painful. However, I have to just work thru the pain b/c I just dont have time to sit around on my rear end since we are MOVING in a MONTH!! Ugh! There is still SOOOOO much to do before the movers arrive!! I will be SOOOO happy when all of this is behind us and we are all moved in to our new home! ~:)
    30/06/2013 à 17:16