frustration (8)

Know how people use single-pixel lines that can make the puzzle more difficult? Yeah, here's a puzzle made up of nothing but single-pixel lines! ... And a stray pixel.

Two 3-dot lines, one 4-dot line, one 6-dot line, and a stray dot.

One of the 3-dot lines are connected to the 4-dot line. The stray dot lies in a corner. Two lines connect the bottom and right sides. The third line misses touching the other side by one pixel. All lines are diagonal, and three of the corners are filled.

If these hints are too vague, tell me in the comments and I'll make some better hints. Or you guys could make your own hints if you figure it out. Either way, it'll be frustrating!

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  • The 2 connected lines at top left corner.
    11/07/2017 à 09:43
  • I don't get it.
    11/07/2017 à 10:59
  • Nice! thanks

    took me 6minutes of thinking to understand what the hell you where saying with your hints, then it clicked and was super easy to solve.
    11/07/2017 à 13:01
  • XD this one was fun. CONFUSING, but fun. I basically ended up solving it like one of those "fit X chess pieces on the board without any intersecting" Just sort of... poking at it until I finally had one that worked xD

    One of the things I found tricky was a grammatical error in the first sentence of the second hint XP So, I'm gonna try to rephrase without giving any new information?

    SPOILERS? maybe kinda?
    Think of it like a game of battleship. You've got TWO 3-peg ships, ONE 4-peg ship, ONE 6-peg ship, and ONE 1-peg ship.

    - One of your 3-peg ships and your 4-peg ship share a pixel.
    - The 1-peg ship is in a corner
    - ????? (This point didn't help me. Now that I've finished, I THINK I know what it means to say, but it's oddly specific if so XP)
    - ????? (This one's related to the previous point, and I'm not certain which 'ship' it's referring to, because I can see two different ones that might be it, given my understanding of point three XP)
    - All ships are on diagonals (as opposed to on horizontal/vertical lines like you get with Battle Ship)
    - And three corner pixels are filled in.

    Hope that helps? XD I'm REALLY enjoying this series, it's such a relief to not be the only one frustrated by hanjies with partial logic and multiple answers. I love the way your commentary makes them solveable, a new set of rules that makes the puzzle fresh and different, instead of just a slog 8D.
    11/07/2017 à 17:04
  • I still don't get it...
    11/07/2017 à 21:24
  • Really liked this one, very tricky!
    For those who are still stuck, there is actually a trick to it:

    - First place the 6 piece anywhere it fits. There are only 6 possibilities, so you can iterate through these very easily.
    - Notice how the description mentions that only ONE 3 piece and the SINGLE 4 piece cross each other. In other words, NONE of the other pieces are allowed to touch each other. This means NO TOUCHING, not by crossing, not by being adjacent to it, not even by being diagonally adjacent (with one white space in between the pieces horizontally and vertically), just NOT touching it! As such, look for a place where the crossing 4 and 3 piece can fit together WITHOUT touching the 6 piece. In 2 out of the previously mentioned 6 possibilities, it's impossible to put them together without touching the 6 piece, but in the 4 others it works out, with two solutions for each possibility. As such, there are now 8 possible solutions.
    - After this, just go through the possibilities wile trying to place the leftovers (the other 3 piece and the 1 piece) anywhere where they don't touch anything else. In doing this, there are only 2 possibilities left, of which only 1 works with the given numbers in the grid. That's the one.

    There are other possibilities, either by coloring spots while ignoring the rules in the description, or by following the rules in the description without even looking at the numbers. Nevertheless, when you take both sets of rules into account, ESPECIALLY including the rule which states ONLY one of the 3 pieces and the 4 piece can touch each other.

    Really clever, I love it!! <(^O^<)
    12/07/2017 à 02:55
  • I'll be honest with you. I at least need the corners before I'll have any chance of figuring this out ;3;.
    12/07/2017 à 04:10
  • I found Cyberbaboon's hint really helpful :D thank you! No touching + 6 possibilities where the 6-piece will fit.
    12/07/2017 à 06:44
  • Wow, Cyberbaboon, I REALLY like your thought process 8D You created a method of solving this more than just guessing and moving pieces about like I did. Well done! 8D.
    12/07/2017 à 20:41
  • WOW! Got it first go with al the fantastic hints. Put my 6-dot in the right spaces first go. Coincidence!
    Thanks everybody! Was expecting a rough struggle.

    Great fun!
    16/07/2017 à 17:10
  • This is such bullsh*t. The puzzle is illogical. your 'hints' are crap.
    The third line misses touching the other side by one pixel...what the hell... how are we to know what the third line is... third from the bottom would be more clear... or just say the four dot line.
    Also everyone giving hints aren't helping much either.
    01/06/2018 à 02:04
  • Thank you Nifty, couldn't have done this without your comment. Now I just want to forget about this puzzle forever.
    12/06/2018 à 15:54
  • Au delà du faite que la logique est mauvaise. Cela n'est pas beau.
    24/04/2021 à 09:40