after 6 months of no internet or tv

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  • Really pleased for you!
    11/03/2014 à 17:44
  • YEAH!!!! I don't know how you did it. I"m very happy for you. Thanks for the puzzle. It was fun.
    26/05/2015 à 09:04
  • It definitely was NOT fun!! I had to drive to the next town over and sit in my car just to use their free wifi and get my computer time in! They didn't even OFFER internet in my area when we moved. We finally figured out that it was because our address was not in their SYSTEM!! So that's why nobody on my road could get it. Once they added our address we had internet within a month! (So did the rest of our street...thanks to us! LOL). We had a digital TV box so we were able to get about 10 channels but that was IT! Now we have fast internet, cable tv and a DVR!! THANK GOD!! I never wanna go without it for that long again!

    At least my husband and I were able to deal with it...since we obviously didn't even HAVE internet (it hadn't yet been "invented") until we were going without didn't bother US as much as it did the KIDS. Since they had NEVER known life without TV/internet it was MUCH harder on them! They didn't know WHAT to do with themselves. At least they still had their gaming systems and we have HUNDREDS of movies.

    It was a good chance to do things together as a FAMILY though...playing board games, putting together puzzles, etc etc. We NEEDED that "unplugged" time together!! ~:)
    26/05/2015 à 13:58