
Hi everybody !
Let me introduce myself : I'm Max3710 (or just Max), a puzzle-maker from the french site. So, you can ask you why I come here, in the english site. I got three reasons :
- Solve more grids and know more authors
- Practice my English (so, don't hesitate to say me if an Englishman would better use different words to say the same things)
- Share my passion for hanjie with much more players.

For the first grid I post, I choose to represent Baden-Powell, who created the scout movement in 1907.

Remake from : "Scout toujours (1)" (equivalent grid in the french site)

Difficulty : **** (my difficulty rating)

Tested, logical.
Not require any specific method, only single-line logic, but you'll need to be focused.
Good "blackenage".

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