Postcard (271)

The island of Socotra in the northwest Indian Ocean in Yemen is known for its rich biodiversity. Its flora and fauna are unique. One-third of its trees are endemic to the island. One of the most famous trees among them is the Socotra Dragon Tree. Also known as the Dragon’s blood tree, its name is derived from its resins. If legends are to be believed, the Dragon’s Blood tree grew from the blood of an injured dragon that fought with an elephant. The trees on the Granite Mountains and limestone plateaus have a distinctive appearance. The branches grow in a dichotomous branching pattern, thus creating a base for the crown of the tree. The resins of the tree are used for various purposes like paint, dye, medicines, and cosmetics, among others. The strange looking tree’s branches and leaves give it the shape of an umbrella. It is also listed as one of the oldest trees in the world.

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