who invented the school?

If you ask Google in English: "Who invented school?", it will answer:
Horace Mann is considered as the inventor of the concept of school. He was born in 1796 and later became Secretary of Education in Massachusetts. He was a pioneer in bringing educational reforms into society.
If you ask in French: "Qui a inventé l'école ?", he will say:
L'idée de l'école est née il y a un peu plus de 2300 ans, dans la tête d'un homme : Aristote, un philosophe grec. Vers 789, Charlemagne, le roi des Francs, décide d'ouvrir des écoles dans tout le royaume. Avant, seuls les religieux étaient éduqués.
If you ask in Chinese, Russian, Swahili, etc. you will receive different but very determined answers.

So, dear students, stop protesting, we don't know who is to blame.

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